Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Altered Playing Cards

Over at the Eclectic Paperie blog they are having an Altered Playing card challenge.  I have never thought about using a playing card as the base for a project.  I had a lot of fun and will definitely make more.  Here is what I came up with for the challenge.
The background was roughed up by sanding it a bit. I then added Broken China Distress Paint.  Various washi tapes were added for dimension.  I dirtied everything up with Pumice Stone Distress Ink.  The little fairy is from Lisa's Altered Art.  The flower is from Recollections.  I colored it using Distress Inks.  The Happy chipboard is from MME.  
I think she is super cute.  I love how the card still peeks through, so you know what it was originally.  
Here is lovely lady number two.  This one started with Mowed Lawn Distress Paint.  I added a layer of Distress Crackle and then rubbed Vintage Photo Distress Stain in the cracks.  I tinted modeling paste with green and gold alcohol ink to stencil the dots on the side.  A little bit of paper on the side feels rather like a yearbook page to me.  I thought this fairy looked like she was posing for a school photo, so they mimic each other.  Remnant rubs add depth to the background.  The fairy and the words are outlined with a black marker.  The flowers on top are Mod Melts that have been tinted with the same alcohol ink colors I used for the modeling paste.  
I love the snarky sentiment.  
I loved doing these and can't wait to make more.  
What have you been crafting? 

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